Assalamualaikum Wr.wb
kali ini saya akan share room :MIUI SID GLOBAL PRO
Changelog :
- VoLTE Service (Fully workin's Change Location to Thailand)
- SID Kernel Configuration
- SID ROM Configuration
- SID HD Games Rendering
- SID Tweaks for Battery Life
- Improved Battery Life
- Improved Game Performance
- Improved Multitasking Sensation
- Without Hot Hot POP
- Fix All (Camera, Wifi, Data, etc)
- Etc...
- VoLTE Service (Fully workin's Change Location to Thailand)
- SID Kernel Configuration
- SID ROM Configuration
- SID HD Games Rendering
- SID Tweaks for Battery Life
- Improved Battery Life
- Improved Game Performance
- Improved Multitasking Sensation
- Without Hot Hot POP
- Fix All (Camera, Wifi, Data, etc)
- Etc...
Bug ? :
- Anyway no Bug Detected
- Bug ? Tell US
Wassalamualaikum Wr,Wb

- Bug ? Tell US
Link ? : DISINI
Cara Install (how to Install) :
1. Ke TWRP
2. Wipe Data, Cahce, Dalvik
3. Install ROM
4. Reboot (tunggu sekitar 15-20M)
1. Ke TWRP
2. Wipe Data, Cahce, Dalvik
3. Install ROM
4. Reboot (tunggu sekitar 15-20M)
Thanks to :
- Allah SWT
- Allah SWT
- Algy Handory
- Kalian Semua
- Kalian Semua

Note :
" Jika panas, Set Kernel CPU (Min 400 Max 800 Ondemand) "
Sekian Dari Saya
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